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In Conversation with Ehssan Veiszadeh

Written by Salaam Insitute | 21/09/2023 4:34:03 AM

Crescent Institute is guided by a highly passionate and experienced board who bring valuable skillsets and networks from the public and private sectors to our endeavours. The Board of Directors play an important strategic, governance and oversight role in the organisation.

The following is an extract from a conversation with Crescent Institute Chair Ehssan Veiszadeh


What were your motivations in wanting to be involved in the Crescent Foundation?  

I've always been passionate about supporting up-and-coming young leaders, particularly among Muslim and migrant communities. It can sometimes be challenging for people of diverse backgrounds in corporate environments where there isn't yet a critical mass of diverse executives and other leaders. The ability of Crescent Institute to connect emerging leaders with corporate, political and cultural leaders can help to break some of these barriers and provide the support these diverse up-and-comers need to thrive as leaders. 


As Chair what would you like to see Crescent Institute do more of?

I would like Crescent Institute to maintain its record of attracting top tier speakers from the political, corporate and cultural fields while also developing a thought leadership offering around the benefits of Australia's leaders being more representative of our diverse society. I'd like CI to offer strategies to corporates, political organisations and cultural institutions around how they can support emerging diverse leaders. We need to move from focusing on attracting diverse talent to retaining them. 

Outside of the Crescent Institute what other work do you do in the not-for-profit space?

I’ve had a deep connection with not-for-profits. My current and former jobs have been at not-for-profits, having served as Deputy CEO at urban policy think tank Committee for Sydney and having just commenced as CEO at national industry peak body Roads Australia.


How important are Crescent Institute events in supporting networking and engaging thought leaders on topics of national importance?

Crescent Institute's ability to consistently attract top tier speakers is second to none. The speaking line-up to date is quite remarkable, and is testament to Crescent Institute's high calibre Board, team and volunteers. The impact these speakers can have on emerging leaders at our events can't be underestimated.